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THERMAG IX 2021: 9th IIR International Conference on Caloric Cooling and Applications of Caloric Materials


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Full course description

The THERMAG- IX serves as a forum to present and discuss information on the latest progress in research and development of caloric cooling material and device technology. The following topics will be presented: Magnetocaloric materials; Elastocaloric materials; Barocaloric materials; Electrocaloric materials; Caloric devices; for cooling/ heat pumping; Caloric applications at refrigeration; Thermocaloric energy conversion; Resource basis & recycling of caloric materials; Standardization & terminology of caloric material. The intended audience is innovative leaders, caloric material researchers, policy makers, production and operation managers, professional engineers, professors, researchers, teachers, and students, senior representatives of engineering, and marketing and product development companies.  UMD engineering faculty, and members of our scientific committee (representing the USA and 12 other countries) will serve as plenary speakers, invited speakers and session chairs.  The event will take place online from June 7-11, 2021.

If you are a student participant, please contact for a student discount code prior to registering.

Please let us know of any special accommodations that you need in order to take part in the conference.  Please email your request to no later than by May 7, 2021.